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Key Stage 3 (ages 11- 14)

These pages contain interactive tutorials for sections in our Mathematics course for Years 7, 8 and 9. These were designed for pupils who have missed lessons or are struggling on a concept or topic. They have also been used with success in home schooling situations.



The material covered in a particular interactive tutorial closely matches with the corresponding text book sections and these are here;





The interactive tutorials below are freely available. Be careful to find the right level; you can always start at a lower level and work up as appropriate. If you work right through to the end of Year 9, you will have covered much of the Foundation Tier GCSE mathematics syllabus.



One word of warning, the software “Flash” is used in some of the material and this might not work on your device. We are planning to revise this where appropriate later in the summer term. Here are the interactive tutorials:

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