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GCSE (Key Stage 4)

We are pleased to offer learners a support package for all the main topics and concepts in GCSE Mathematics. The “starred” sections are only needed for the Higher Tier assessment and not for the Foundation Tier.



We have divided the syllabus into STRANDS and UNITS; each Unit comprised of:

          Introduction: gives you important information for the work in the Unit;

          Diagnostic Audit: provides you with questions on each of the sections to show what topics you need to concentrate on;

          Text and Answers: develops the topics and concepts in depth with worked examples and exercises;

          Interactive Text: provides interactive text and exercises with instant feedback;

          Multiple Choice Questions: gives you a final check up on your progress through the Unit.



These resources are freely available here  - 






Here are sample online GCSE Exam papers based on QAQ Specimen Papers (2015).

Some adaptations have been made for the purpose of this project. Please refer to the AQA website for the original versions of all AQA materials:



The University of Plymouth is responsible for the solutions and that:

(a) they have neither been provided nor approved by AQA and

(b) they may not necessarily constitute the only possible solutions.



Copyright ©2020 AQA and its licensors. All rights reserved. AQA material is reproduced by permission of AQA


Foundation Tier

Paper 1

(non calculator)

Paper 2

(calculators allowed)

Paper 3

(calculators allowed)

Higher Tier

Paper 1

(non calculator)

Paper 2

(calculators allowed)

Paper 3

(calculators allowed)

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